Once again the information you shared is reaching out to me more then ever. At the present time, I am using many different breathing techniques daily. I am going to try yours. I have gown deeply fond of your messages. And yes as I get older, I forget things and try to become more organized. Thank you Geetika.
I do feel more energized but also relaxed.
Of course I like the balanced breathing. Does it matter how many times you alternate from one nostrils to the other?
It’s suggested to start with 5 or 10 minutes and then move up if you can or want. I am up to 10 minutes and I think that’s enough for me twice a day.
Once again the information you shared is reaching out to me more then ever. At the present time, I am using many different breathing techniques daily. I am going to try yours. I have gown deeply fond of your messages. And yes as I get older, I forget things and try to become more organized. Thank you Geetika.
Thank you Gary. I would be interested to know what type of breathing exercises or meditation practices resonate with you most.
This will keep us grounded. I am sure lot of people will adopt this very simple tool in their box.
Keep doing good work.
It seems as if each day brings more news that serves to heighten overall anxiety.
Thank you for outlining these stress reducing techniques. It couldn’t be more timely.