Hello, my one friend who is reading this. Thank you.
If there is a second or a third person reading this … you are helping me fulfill a dream that I have had for so long. To put the million thoughts and ideas that I have (some of them are really good, I promise) on paper. To not keep reading about how to start a blog, how to start a newsletter, how to do this that or the other and just to do it.
For a long time I’ve been putting off all my writing projects by creating an information overload in my brain. Do any of you do that?
I hear some people clean their entire house so they don’t have to work on a particular project. Or straighten out their sock drawer. I wish I was so lucky. I would have a clean and organized home. I procrastinate by reading another article, listening to another podcast, or ordering another book that will help me do what I want to do.
It makes me so angry at myself. I end up treating myself in ways that I wouldn’t other humans. My rational brain knows that nothing will happen till I start. That I have enough knowledge to start. The obstacles that will come up when I start, I will be able to figure out as I go along. That’s the advice I would give someone else.
![black Fayorit typewriter with printer paper black Fayorit typewriter with printer paper](https://images.unsplash.com/reserve/LJIZlzHgQ7WPSh5KVTCB_Typewriter.jpg?crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&fit=max&fm=jpg&ixid=M3wzMDAzMzh8MHwxfHNlYXJjaHw0fHwzJTIwdGhpbmdzfGVufDB8fHx8MTcwNjgyODQ1NXww&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&q=80&w=1080)
If you are still here, thanks again.
There are 3 main topics I want to write about. You don’t know me, but this is me showing restraint. I really want to say that I am going to write about everything I know. But I am picking 3 things and being a grown up about it.
There will be an umbrella theme and that will be FOOD
Under that umbrella, I wish to focus my attention on
Simple and Healthful Home cooked Meals
Modern Indian food that may not impress a person who is a stickler about rules and tradition (in other words, someone who doesn’t want to update Indian cooking to the times we live in - without help, and has limited time to spend in the kitchen).
Basic Ayurvedic principles for daily living.